Thursday, December 17, 2009

Trying to remember the way things were...

It's so near to Christmas and I was talking to Suzanne (my lovely wife of so many years) pointing out the fact that it really doesn't feel like the Christmas I know and love this year. Life has it's peaks and valleys and we all do our best to stay afloat, but I feel like I need to stop and take time each day to remember what this is all about and to clear my head. We all know the story but do we know the Saviour of the story? Do we know that we need this Saviour for more than "fire insurance"? I have come to understand this more each year and as I watch the world around me lose it's collective mind, it makes more and more sense to me. At the literal end of each day, I hope that God will help me to rely on Him more and to have a passion to pray for others I know need His comfort and guidance... the kind that only He can bring. MLT