I listened to the radio this morning and there was a poll going on about the relevance of Valentines Day and the price gouging of flowers, chocolate and cards that goes with it. The commentator was surprised to see the amount of women that thought it was an unfair holiday for guys. I don't really think much about it as long as I remember to buy something for my lovely wife and try to get her a decent meal. I doubt if she'd get too upset if we just stayed at home and did nothing (or something). That's another thing I love about about my wife. We are comfortable in our own skin and can hang together or separately. I not only love her, but I'm in love with her after being married 24 something years. She's still smokin' hot, and that's not a bad thing either... Happy Valentines Day, Suzanne Townsend...
PS. If you want your marriage to last, start by not being a self serving, narcissistic bastard and work at keeping her amused as much as you work at keeping yourself amused.