Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Funny how time flies...

Good gosh, it's been like 9 years since the last post. People enter our lives and then move on. We're in the middle of our second move since the last post. I'd strongly advise doing all of your moving when you are young, as it gets more complicated, exhausting and expensive on the back half of life. The same things remain important 9 years later... your faith in God, your marriage and family. All those things became very real to me in the 1980's (just like Songs From The Big Chair, which is one of my favorite albums of all time) and by the grace of God, I've not let go of any of those. Like the old hymn says, it comes down to "trust and obey" which means trusting God, being in the Word and trying to be a faithful witness in this life all the way to the last breath. As I said, lots of things change/come and go but if you can hang on to your faith in the process the path will be gracious at the least and exciting at its best.  MLT

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