Sunday, October 4, 2009

it has to start somewhere...

I figured since the rest of my family seems to be into this blog thing and since I enjoy reading what they write, it makes sense to join the fun...

For a person who is in my profession (producing records) I am probably not the typical mold. I don't really care about the sounds on the new Miley Cyrus record, nor do I wish to bite the guitar part on the new flavor of the month rock record. I prefer to spend time sitting on my front porch at the end of the day. I quit coloring my hair years ago and I have not a single tattoo on my body. I spend my days making records with folks that have and do all of the above and I love that about them. I totally relate to the Brian Wilson song "I wasn't made for these times" and it describes me to a T. I love the music of that era as well and it shows in my work. The kids think it's cool. I think much of that music was brilliant and unpretentious.

That pretty much also describes my thoughts about the God I know and love. Brilliant and unpretentious... He's the one being I can legitimately count on in this life and I am learning to lean on Him for peace through this difficult life. My hope is built on nothing less... MLT

1 comment:

  1. Hey pops! Glad to see you decided to start
    I love hearing your thoughts!
    Love you,
